We're taking one last big trip. But I'm not going to tell you where. Use the following clues to see if you can figure it out. And don't cheat and google them!
The Dutch originally got their tulips from this country. Talk about false advertising, those sneaky Dutch!
In the middle ages, it had over 1,400 public toilets, meanwhile none of the palaces in France had them yet. But, toilet paper wasn't invented until the mid 1800's. Ewww.
It boasts the 3rd oldest subway in the world. (Not the restaurant, just for clarification.)
This country introduced coffee to Europe. And that's why Starbucks owns Europe. Or at least some of the best real estate in it.
Oil wrestling has been a sport here since 1361. In olive oil, just in case you were wondering. And before you imagine hot women in bikinis, it's a male sport. Cause I know where you were going with that train of thought.
It's one of the few countries in the world that is agriculturally self-sufficient. Isn't that nuts? Which by the way they export a lot of. The nuts that is. Not crazy people.
95% of people from this country believe that there is a God, while 99% of people identify themselves as Muslim. I'm not real good at math and I don't know a lot about Islam, but doesn't that doesn't quite add up right?
The CIA classifies it as a developed country. I had to go deep undercover to get that out of them and I used a wire and a pair of pliers to extract some teeth. And boy am I glad I did.
Noah's Ark landed here. No kidding! But it might have just been for a potty stop.
It's biggest city is the only one in the world to span two continents. What a fat ass!
Extra added bonus: When you figure out what city that is, then you won't be able to stop singing that really catchy song that was written about it. Which gets really annoying after the first 100 times you sing it in your head. Trust me.
Anyone have it?
I hope you do, so putting it in your head will make it leave mine!
If you liked this guessing game try our first Where in the World post here.
Turkish delight on a moonlit night?
From the start, it was Constantinople (ok, Istanbul, for your youngsters...)
Anonymous wins and Roy comes in a close second. Thanks for playing!
I LOVE Istanbul- the food is the BEST- oh gosh, we went back a second time only to eat the food again! There is so much more to see but the food...
Love your blog BTW- never comment, but always read!!
Thank you for reading and for commenting Christine!
Must be Istanbul. And I swear I had it before the two-continent giveaway, right around when you mentioned Muslims. Because I've been on a Wikipedia frenzy with my teenager about populous and not so populous countries. Blog post coming up about that. Oh, and it might help if you didn't name your picture istanbul.jpg. Sneaky, huh?
Totally cheating Sine! And how did you see what I named the picture?
Sounds exciting! I can't wait to go...vicariously of course;)
You crack me up with your posts. You sure you're not channeling for Erma Bombeck?
Nice!!!! Will you visit the strange and beautiful rocks in cappadocia and stay in a hotel carved into the rock?????
just hover over it, or right click and save and bingo. Discovered that myself when I was writing blog post about my daughter's lovey and gave it a blog name but realized all the pics were in his real name, lol!
Istanbul! Yes it is!
Have a happy journey! :)
Have fun! I'm thinking I identify myself as Christian and try to live my life that way, but if you asked me if god exists. you'd get a equivocating answer full of doubt - maybe even a 'no.'
Enjoy Istanbul! We actually have friends there and go quite often. I love the Bosphorus!
How incredibly exciting...apart from the oil wrestling that is.
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