Monday, May 14, 2012

Crazy Muthas

My friend Sara's birthday is dangerously close, if not on Mother's Day, every year. So we kicked off the festivities on Friday, sans children and husbands. We went to lunch, did some shopping and then went to hammam together in the afternoon. Even though we could have just sat outside in the 100 degree heat to get our sauna experience. We had the whole place to ourselves. Probably because we were the only women crazy or stupid enough to do this on a day when everyone else was trying to escape the heat.

That night, after we were scrubbed and scoured, we went to dinner with our husbands at a restaurant overlooking the beach. Now, normally we'd dress a little more conservative for a night on the town in Morocco, but as I said it was freakin' hot. And it was freakin' Sara's birthday, so we didn't freakin' care. So Sara turned up the heat even more with a cleavage revealing dress and I showed off my bruised knees.  I know, crazy right?

Saturday was the annual Peace Corps bazaar where volunteers bring co-op artisans from their villages and schlep their wares to Rabat from sites all around Morocco. There were carpets, jewelry, baskets, knives, tunics and bags all hand crafted and there to buy for a set price with no haggling and no middle man. Which is so western business-minded it’s crazy and completely unheard of in Morocco.

On Sunday morning, after Craig ran to the bakery to get some pain au chocolat (chocolate filled croissant) for Mother's Day, we packed up the kiddos and headed to the beach to surf.
So, we headed to the south side of our favorite beach where the break is more consistent.

It's also the side of the beach that generally doesn't have tourists. So while all the women I can see around me are dressed like this...

I was dressed like this.  And of course I forgot to pack my wet suit.  Or my burkini. Cause when you're packin' up the kids like a crazy mutha sometimes you forget things. Oh and if you want to see what a burkini looks like you can click here

Ember however totally fit in with her shortie which refers short length of her suit, not the 9'6" long board she was riding. At 7 she can paddle out that heavy board by herself, ride the wave and maneuver it so it looks like she accidentally collides into her brothers. She is totally one crazy mutha.

When we got home tarred and feathered in sunscreen and sand, we headed directly to wash up. When I opened the shower door I found a gift left by some Faith. Do you remember the lingerie pants out of the dumpster on safari in South Africa from my Man vs. Wild post? Don't worry if you didn't, or just can't remember what they look like in all their glory, just click here. It's totally worth the visual. At the end of the trip, the Greens hid them in our luggage. Since then, it's become a running joke between our families to leave the pants in bizarre places at unexpected times. (Although I say we won that contest when we left them attached to their rear windshield wiper and they didn't discover it until they finished with church, after they had driven the car to church with them blowing in the breeze for all to see and then parked it in the church lot for all to see.)

Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you what Craig gave me.  He designed this shirt for me with the essential elements of our world:  Sky, River, Jade and Ember.

The elements that make me the crazy mutha that I am.


  1. I just knew the picture of you on the beach would be you testing out your burkini! Oh well, you gave the locals something to gawk at, not that they weren't gawking already! :) hmmmm, wonder where those pants will end up next?

  2. Love that T-shirt! Happy Mother's Day

  3. That t-shirt totally rocks, you got yourself one of those rare breeds not seen often in the wild....a thoughtful one. ;)

    Happy Mutha's day! xo

  4. I don't know if I'd ever get caught in a burkini, but I would certainly have fun trying on fabulous swim cover ups.

    A friend of mine just moved to Morocco & I discovered your blog while looking up info for her. I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures in the land of sand & burkinis. :)


  5. Burkini? Just the name cracks me up! Well, it sounds like you still had a wonderful day.

  6. That t-shirt has got to be the most thoughtful Mutha's Day present ever! And your kids have the coolest names. Here some of us thought we were creative with BLOG names...

  7. Christina, I just linked my past burkini post so you'd have a visual of that it looks like. And Chantel, I totally agree, my husband is a rare breed and totally knocked the Mother's Day gift outta the park! Which of course sucks to have to follow that up for Father's Day...
    And Kristina, glad you found me.

  8. I love the shirt too. You look great. Now, off to the treadmill!

  9. Awww, what a unique and lovely gift!! Cool shirt! And like Muriel, suddenly I'm getting the urge to get my ass off this chair and work out...grrrrrrrrrrrrr......
