You know how on your last day of a vacation you can't stop thinking about how it's the last day. And you should be enjoying the moment. But, even though you're still on vacation your mind starts to wander and you can't stop fixating about going home. And all the crap you have to do at home. So you just wasted your last day of vacation because you already checked out. We have 5 more months in Morocco and I'm trying so hard not to check out.
But it's hard. I think more and more about Colorado every day. About my friends there and how much I've missed them. About my house and how I feel like I've been in a vacation rental for 2 years. And while it's nice, it has never felt like home. I miss seeing the mountains everyday. I miss roller derby. I miss English.
But then I think how much I'm going to miss the friends I've made here in Morocco. I'll miss the adventure. And even, maybe even especially, the misadventure of it all. I'll miss the chaotic driving. I'll miss the beach. I'll miss my belly dance class.
But I won't miss French.
I've just learned to navigate life here and now it's time to move back. And I'm totally conflicted about that. But what I don't want to do is check out yet.
And then today I had to go the store.
I had no soap or toilet paper in the house. And as we know, every house needs soap and toilet paper. It was pouring rain. I grab a wet cart from outside the Marjane. And as I make the walk into the store it becomes aparent I got the crap cart. Ok, they're all the crap cart in Morocco, but this one was especially bad. It had one super funky wheel that meant that I had to push it at an acute angle forcing me to engage my abs, arms, legs and butt and that was just to get it to go straight. The result was not so a-cute. But, bonus, pushing that cart was a total body workout.
I went to to make my first sharp left into the soap aisle. It started by me throwing my body way out to the right like a 18 wheeler would do to make a right, except in the total opposite direction. And it ended with me kicking it and then body slamming the whole cart. All with me swearing out loud a la anglais. Of course there are 3 women stocking the shelves in that aisle who stop to stare at me. Then point. Then laugh.
And if you live in Morocco you know you have had this same crap cart and that you too have done the same thing.
I continued to wrestle the cart all the way through the store. Because even though I only came to get a few items, they were spread all over that huge store. (My ass will thank me later.) So finally I get to the check out and put my items on the belt.
Oh shit.
I forgot the toilet paper.
And do you know where toilet paper is from the register? It's clear on the other side of the store. So I ran in clogs past the ladies in the soap aisle. Who again stared. Pointed. And laughed. Because I was doing that cautious tight-ass I don't want to run because I'm running in wet wooden clogs and trying not to fall run. And then I run back through the same aisle with toilet paper in hand. They probably thought I had the shits or something.
Finally, I'm back at the check out. And I'm sick of the crap cart. And scratchy Moroccan toilet paper. I just really want to check out. Though I'm trying desperately not to.
Look at the bright side. Had you done that in Colorado (and, yes, the States have those crappy carts, too!), you would have had everyone in line pissing and moaning that you did that...
It's true, there's always a crap cart no matter where you are. Hope you have a fabulous five months =)
In the states you have the opportunity to not get the crap cart. In Morocco there is no question you'll get the crap cart...it's just a matter of severity. You're right in the states they would have been moaning in English, so I would know what they said. Sometimes it's a good thing not to speak the language...
Great story, and I love the play-on-words ending.
well, at least you haven't checked out ;-)
you know, even though i'm not in morocco i appreciate the reminder to refrain from 'checking out'. we obviously have boring trips to the grocery store and crap carts in the states, too, right? but, it's all beautiful (and funny!) in it's own way if we're fully present to the beauty of it.
thank you for all that you are, marie!
TOTALLY know how you feel. We've never done a full 2 year stint, but as soon as we get through January every year, I am sooo thinking about how to pack up, how many days until home (46 or so, but who is really counting, haha) and like you, trying not to check out. Although, in single digit weather, there isn't much else to do besides check out! haha. Thanks for jumping over and reading the hockey wife article. Glad you did ;)
This is really funny! It is exactly how I feel every freaking time I marjane! Great description. I slide all over the store everytime with that humongos horrible cart pulling me in all directions, having to lean my body weight to the opposite side of the direction I want it to go or something like that!
Anyways, I am sad about you leaving as well but I can't wait for your re-entry shock posts and to continue reading all about your wonderful adventurous lives!!!!! You better not shut this thing down!
Please don't check out yet. We need you to write lots more funny stories about Morocco!
BTW I had the crap cart today at Builder's warehouse. And yes, in the US you'd just go back and get another, but here the others are not going to be better, or they will have additional crap in them already. But you know what I love about South Africa? A parking attendant will see you with the crap cart struggling out of the store, and come running to the rescue. I was never gladder to see a parking attendant than today, when it was a thousand degrees and I'd already played an hour of tennis. He SO earned his money.
You are over-the-top talented!!! :)
xoxoxoxo to you and the family!
Christopher, wait til you taste my way-over-the-top-I've-never-cooked-free-boar-ribs-left-on-someone's-doorstep-with-a-note-before-ribs on Saturday! It's going to be awesome! So glad you can come ;)
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