This is my kids last full day of school. The surprising thing is, I have nothing at the school to attend today. I've had something for at least one of my kids (usually two or more kids on the same day actually) for the last week at least. Not only that, I don't have any plans today. None. This never happens. And now I have one last day of complete and total solitude before my kids start their summer break.
How can I possibly make the most of my relaxing day of solitude? I mean I'm gonna have the four kids 24/7 all summer. So this needs to be good. What can I do here home alone that I can't do with them here?
Damn, I've got chores to do. Let me just put on some music. Right! One last day to listen to whatever I want. Songs the kids don't like, songs with crazy mummbly bemusings and YES ones with swear words. Bonus! Oh, and just a few months ago I figured out the absolute most fun way to get your chores done....
YES, I do know I'm a horrible singer.
I had so much fun skating around that I lost track of time. Now I'm headed out the door to belly dance class late. Then I get in the car and have like zilch-o gas. So I have to stop at the gas station on the way. Morocco only has full service gas stations. It's totally weird. At least I get my windshield cleaned for free. And by free I mean for a 10 dirham tip for the gas attendant which was nothing after the 500 dirham (somewhere over $50, depending on the exact exchange rates on any given day) I spent that only filled HALF of my tank.
So I'm driving to class when I remember my friend Bobbie and the driving cam she rigged with tape to her dash to capture the crazy Moroccan driving before she moves back to the states. I, of course, have no tape in my car. So here, let me hold the camera in place with one hand while I drive through the streets of Rabat. Maybe not such a great idea.
Again, I'm not a professional singer. Can you believe it?
But I made it! And got to class just in time. Cause you know I got that primo spot that the parking guy saved for me. He's my second favorite parking guy. Barack is my first. I can't video anything in belly dancing class. It's a very social taboo to tape anyone without permission here and especially not belly dancing. But after class I buy a cd from my teacher with some of the songs we have learned on it. Learned is not the right term. It's belly dance via paint by numbers. She stands in front of class and explains everything in French and Arabic and I try to "mimic" whatever she does, even though I have no idea what she's doing.
On the way home I stop by the bakery and pick up my favorite salmon sandwich. And I download, write and make travel plans during my working lunch.
Then I have an idea. I have the cd, lets see if I can remember how to do any of the songs I've "learned" in class without watching my instructor. Ok, I think that one of the basic beginner dances is one I can remember....
And obviously not. That was way more belly flop than belly dancing. And this is why I'm not a dancer. Ok, this is merely reason #32 why I am not a dancer (and that list goes to #100).
Determined to make the most of my solitude I should probably do something relaxing. That and I'm downloading these 3 videos which is gonna take until the kids' summer break is over. So I have some time to go check out the garden.
The tomatoes are almost ready.
And then I sit down and try to read and relax. But I can't....
Because I'm thinking about what I'm gonna make for dinner. Whatever it is, the kids are totally gonna complain about it. And what's worse than hearing your kids complain about a dinner they don't like? I'll tell you. Taking them shopping for the ingredients for a dinner that they don't like. So I run to the store so I can pull together dinner, by myself, because I CAN!
When I get back from the store it's almost time. They'll be home in less than half an hour. I need to finish editing this post and download the videos, which aren't done yet. This is not gonna happen before they get home. I go out to finish the wash and the outdoor cat came in and the indoor cat went out. AND, I haven't harbored a whole summer's worth of solitude yet! Crap! I need to hurry and enjoy this peace and quiet right now. Namaste.
Goodbye solitude. Hello summer chaos.
woah..I'm exhausted reading what you fit in lol Great read ,enjoyed the clips :)
goodness that is a lot to do... hope that the summer goes well for you all!!
What a hectic day!! You managed to intermix some pleasure with work so it it was a decent day. If your kids are like most children your days with be busy from sunup to sunset but raising a kid is the most rewarding job one can have. Have a great summer break and don't forget to breathe!! :)
Yay, Summer!
Hi there, oh my.. I so enjoyed reading your post... this is my first time to your blog , but you'll see me here many times more... Oh Morocco... enjoy! ~
Are you still there? Summer's got you by the balls? I love the traffic cam idea. If traffic in rabat is crazy then traffic in Casa is psychotic! Oh and I know you ain't my follaback girl but I finally figured out to add the follower tabs!
Wow. I applaud the veil skills. It takes a lot of guts to take a class like that and even more guts to post your progress on the internet. You are one tough mama. :) -Lola
I was actually wondering if maybe you could make us a belly dancing 101 or Belly Dancing for dummies video??? Pretty please.
Maybe after I get through my scheduled therapy sessions needed in the aftermath of this video post, which still makes me cringe, I can post a belly dance 101. Although I'm only certified in belly flopping...
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