Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Floored Part Deux

This is the after pic of the initial floor refinishing.
It was late last winter when my toilet overflowed on the main level of my house, seeping through the floor and raining pee water down in the basement.  It was late spring when all the repair work was finally completed, including refinishing the hardwood floors.  It was immediately after they refinished  the floors that we noticed bare patches of naked wood scattered all over the floor.  It was in the fall when we finally called the company who did the work to have them come take a look at it.  It was winter before they hired a project manager to clean up all the messes that the previous one had left.  That's when we learned that the company normally subcontracts wood floors out to someone specializing in wood floors instead of doing it themselves.  Which might explain why we were in a hotel for 3 weeks while they did the work and why it wasn't done properly.  Because they were learning how to refinish hardwood floors from a YouTube tutorial.

The day before the workmen were scheduled to come fix the floors, a strange thing happened.  The old white top loading washing machine we have leaked.  (Betcha didn't know anyone still had one.) Water spread to the adjacent wood floors in the office and it was raining downstairs in the basement.  Again. No way. This can't be happening!  But, it was.  We called our insurance company again for water mitigation before work could be resumed on the floors.

That's when we moved back into the same hotel in the same exact room that we did last year. And everyone at the hotel, from the people who worked the front desk, to the maintenance crew and even the ladies who work in the kitchen, remembered us.  Is that a good thing or were we a total pain in the ass?  I'm not sure.  But, even with the additional washing machine leak and an unanticipated 3 days of drying out the water, we were still only in a hotel for one week while our floors got refinished.  Again.  With 4 kids and 2 dogs.  Which may not sound like a pain in the ass, until you have to do it.  Getting enough singles to tip the maids for cleaning the room everyday made me a little self conscious at the bank.  Which made me feel compelled to explain to the bank teller exactly what I was using them for.  Then I had to take the dogs on errands with me everyday so that the maids could actually vacuum up the dog fur that was all over the room.  Which of course means that I have dog fur all over my car now.  Among many other inconveniences.

But here's the final product...

The great thing is, not only can I put off doing laundry because I don't have a washing machine yet, I'm also not supposed to wash my floors for a couple of weeks.  But, I think I should wait at least a couple months, just to be sure I won't be damaging the floors....maybe even more.  Just to be sure.

While I wait for the next mishap to happen.  
Which might be getting dropped by our insurance.

You can find the initial post about my floor here.

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