Monday, March 12, 2018

The Mystery of Daylight Savings Time

Has anyone even asked daylight savings time if it wants to be saved?  Can't we just have a 5k run to save it like we do with everything else in America instead of changing the clocks?  And would it be possible to just roll this daylight savings time into my IRA?  Because why the hell do we have daylight savings time?  What are we saving it from? An abusive relationship with nightfall?

It's one of those American cultural things we do that we have no idea why we do it.  Kind of like asking people how they are.  We don't actually want to know the real answer, so why do we ask the question?  Because that's what we've always done.  And that's what our parents did.  That's what we're supposed to do.  Same with saving the daylight.  Or not switching over to the metric system. It just doesn't make sense.

But, the difference between coveting inches and saving daylight is that we're not the only ones still holding on to this tradition for no apparent reason.  And we Americans didn't even invent it.  It was invented by a entomologist in New Zealand who wanted more time to look for bugs after work.  Seriously.  And then the British proposed it.  But, it really took off when the Germans were looking for ways to reduce energy costs in WWI.  And that's when we jumped on the bandwagon and it became law in 1918.  Because we were a country run on coal and changing the clocks back then did actually save us energy.  

Now we just do it because we've always done it this way.  And who doesn't like to go listen to live music in a local park in July and have picnic dinner on a Tuesday night after work?  Except that eventually you'll have to use the overused porta potty there.  What about waiting until 10pm until it's dark enough to see a movie at the drive-in only to get eaten by mosquitoes?   That and it's really hard to convince a little kid that it's that bed time when it's not dark outside yet.  Not to mention that your house doesn't cool down until 1am if you don't have air conditioning.  And you know how depressing it is in November when we're done saving the daylight and it's pitch black at 5pm again.  Plus the revert back is linked to higher heart attack risks and car accident fatalities.

Wait, why are we saving the daylight again?

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