Monday, September 28, 2015

Last Minute Panic

I didn't see it coming.  A last minute pole dance recital.  For which I was totally unprepared.  I don't know how to choreograph.  I never freestyle to a song.  I'm not good at transitions.  And I'm painfully timid and performing in front of real live people terrifies me.  Like swimming in shark infested waters kinda terrifying.  So obviously, I had to do it.  As part of my self imposed exposure therapy program.

Why do I do this to myself?

Because I want to be more than the awkward wallflower girl who watches life from the sidelines.   I want to do the things I love without being overcome by a paralyzing fear of being watched doing them.  And exposing my myriad of imperfections in the process.  

So without further ado, here's me exposing myself...
Not like that though.
You know what I mean.

I've firmly decided, I'll like me later,  the next time I perform this and do it perfectly.  


  1. I'm impressed, well done. You don't look nervous and I was too busy admiring your hot body and outstanding core muscles to notice any not so perfect moves. It all looked fabulous to me!

  2. WOW! I'd make it rain if I was in the audience.

  3. Actually I'm too cheap to make it rain, but I would stand up and applaud.


  4. You are so strong, and graceful. I loved reading your comments throughout, but now I think you should watch it and comment on all the good things. And you did all that in front of other people. A whole 'nother kind of strength. I would have applauded too, and shouted encouragement as your audience did.

  5. I second everything that Sarah wrote above. I'm out of words. Too much hotness going on (and jealousy, lol!)

  6. I keep saying it on Instagram - but wow...those abs! lol
    And you'd never know you were a secret wallflower :-)
