Monday, June 22, 2015


If there's one thing I know about myself it's that I can over think things to the point that I become completely static.  Confounded by what to do or what not to do.  Because I have a gift of making mole hills into mountains.  I've tried to stop, I really have.  Funny thing is, the more you focus on something, the more you obsess over it.  So what I'm saying is...

I'm a 5 star neurotic nut job.

While I can say that with absolute conviction, I find it monumentally difficulty to rate other things.  There are simply too many factors to take into consideration.  Like how do I know if I'm satisfied with a vacuum really? Especially when I don't even want to vacuum in the first place.  Now if it would assess that the house needed vacuuming and did it on it's own, clearly that would be 5 stars. So what I'm saying is...

I'm a ridiculously harsh critic.

However, I was raised in the day when if you didn't have anything nice to say you did this weird thing where you didn't say it.  And even if I wanted to write a bad review about a restaurant or something else, I'd go through a whole litany of excuses in their defense.  Maybe they were understaffed that night because a server's grandma died and they had to fly back to Ohio.  Maybe there was eggplant famine and that's why there was no eggplant parmigiana.    And how can I judge them on what could be a freak accident?  So what I'm saying is...

I like to keep my critiques to myself, for the most part.

But, I will read the reviews that other people post.  And I've determined reviewers fall into two general categories (with a myriad of subcategories I won't get into).  There a straight-shooters, who say it like it is.  And there are fluffers who Pollyanna things to death and probably collect unicorns and garden gnomes.  It's the fluffers of the world that cause things to be overrated. And they seem to like most everything even if it's sub par, cause they're optimists like that.  Which pisses me off, because their reviews aren't helpful at all.  I'd like to call them out on their bullshit but, I don't want to be mean.  Which unintentionally leads to a silent overrating, therefore making me a fluffer!  Turns out, I am what I despise.  So what I'm saying is...

I'm a 5 star neurotic nut job.


  1. My review would say "This woman claims to be a five-star nut job but I have found her to be quite wise on many occasions so I'd only give her two or three stars for nuttiness." Or maybe it would say, "It turns out that nuttiness can be quite a positive factor in life."

  2. @BOG- I'm extremely flattered, you are much too kind!

  3. the older I get, the easier it gets to low rate things that deserve it. If they are brave enough to want low quality stuff rated, I can certainly be their 2 star girl.

    Thanks for always making me laugh Marie. It's appreciated a lot. You get 5 stars on that. ;)

  4. @Cathy-Thank you, that means a lot!
