Monday, June 1, 2015

I'm Still 25 (In My Head)

Everyone has a number.  And it's not your IQ or the number of partners you've had.  Nor is it your waist size or your ACT score.  It's the age you are in your head.  Sometimes that number corresponds to your real age, but that's an anomaly.  And that number is subject to change at any time.   So...

I'm still 25 (In my head).

Sure, my body reminds me daily that I'm in my mid-forties.  There's the reading glasses,  wiry gray hairs, age spots and the ridiculously sluggish snail like metabolism.  Not only do I wear my food choices, I also feel them.  (Why the hell did I eat that Costco hot dog anyway?  Ugh.)  And that didn't happen at 25.  Regardless of all the evidence to the contrary...

I'm still 25 (In my head). 

Then I injured my shoulder pole dancing.  (Cause that's what 25 year olds do.)   Doing something I knew I was strong enough to do.  But got insanely frustrated when I couldn't actually do it.  The first 100 attempts.   In a 3 day time span.  Because if I just keep trying, I'm that much closer to achieving my goal.  If I was 25 anyhow.  If I'm 45, I just might sprain my shoulder, jack up my elbows and tweak my wrists.  Then require a lot of recovery time to heal.  Because I'm old.  Turns out, two days isn't enough recovery time.  And I made it even worse.   How can this be?

Because I'm still 25 (In my head).

And now I totally get it.  You know how old people complain about their aches and pains  a lot?  This  is the's the disparity between the age in their head and the age their body says they are.  Your mental age is extremely optimistic and encouraging.  "You can do this!"  Your physical age, the voice of reason, says "WTF were you thinking?  You know you can only attempt this on Tuesdays from  10:00am to 10:05am after a 4 minute warm-up with someone else present who can call the paramedics for you.  Dumbass."  Despite this set back, I'm still convinced...

I'm still 25.  (Just with 20 years experience.)
If you'll excuse me, I need to take a nap now...


  1. I wonder what my 'pretend' age is...hmmm....I want to say 30. And now I wonder what the difference is between 25 and 30. Arggghhh it just never ends. See what you've done to me on this rainy Monday morning, Marie??

  2. @Joy- 25 has less responsibility than 30 does and NO GRAY HAIRS.

  3. Oh man I so hear you! I hope you recover fairly quickly!

  4. Oh man I so hear you! I hope you recover fairly quickly!
