Monday, May 25, 2015

Living Small

Some people aspire to live large.  With dreams of a huge lottery win.  Purchasing an enormous house.  Throwing gigantic parties.  Brimming with big names.   But not me.  I like to live small.  With dreams of having enough to send my kids to college.  And buying windows that keep the cold winter air out and the heat in, someday.  Occasionally hosting petite get-togethers with an undisclosed guest list.   Small simply suits me best.

With the sizable & notable exception of small minds.   

I'm not suggesting that we live in a one size fits all world.  Or that you shouldn't dream big.  That is the American gold standard after all, the default setting of our extroverted culture.  Therefore  it's always been the yardstick I measured my own accomplishments by.  And I just never measured up.   And I was never going to.  Not because anything is wrong with me.  But because I was using the wrong yardstick the whole time.     

Because I'm metric in a non-metric country.
(Seriously, how come we haven't gone metric yet?) 

But since I am an American, I get to think outside the box and make shit up.  This is what we do best after all.  Which includes defining my own success.  And when I think about it, I already have everything I've ever wanted.  Family, friends, travel and the freedom to write what I want when I want to.  Because those are my true priorities.  As balance is.   Turns out I like my success the way I like everything else...

...on a small scale.
Preferably metric. 


  1. Totally agree with your definition of success. Years ago I was all set to make the conversion to metric; I think the US had set a date when that was going to happen (in the 70s? 80s?). When it didn't happen I realized it never would. Can you imagine would be called a socialist conspiracy (or some other kind of conspiracy) aimed at diminishing our country.

  2. Perfect Memorial Day reflection. To remind ourselves of the gifts the creator provided us, the promises our constitution provides, the insurance our armed forces yielded, so that we can have safe families, friends, and dreams.

  3. Dear Marie

    My name is Joe Pinzone and I'm casting an international travel show about expats moving abroad. We'd love to film in Morocco and wanted to know if you could help us find expats who have moved there within the last 15 months or have been there for 3-4 years, but recently moved into a new home. The show documents their move to a new country and will place the country in fabulous light. The contributors on the show would also receive monetary compensation if they are filmed. If you'd like more information, please give me a call at 212-231-7716 or skype me at joefromnyc. You can also email me at Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Joe Pinzone
    Casting Producer
    P: 212-231-7716
    Skype: Joefromnyc

  4. LOVE this! This is in line with what I've been thinking a lot lately. We dont need to have it all. And the metric system is awesome. I cant understand any other way!
