Monday, April 27, 2015

Pissed Off

Exhibit A:  Clyde
Hell hath no fury like a dog scorned.  That's how the quote goes, right?  Well, it should.  Because while dogs can be your best friend, they can also be your worst enemy.  Waiting for just the right time to exact their revenge.  Which usually involves bodily fluids.  Unless it's gnawing random objects.

Exhibit B:  Bonnie
Perhaps it's all my fault.  After all, I did name them Bonnie and Clyde.  They are merely carrying on the legend.  What was I thinking?  I mean look at their poor innocent faces.  Do they look like hardened criminals capable of shredding the lids of all the tupperwares?  And yet, they're guilty as charged.  Of that and many other atrocities as well.

The truth is, they have us on a short leash.   They only eat the gourmet salmon dog food.  They demand long hikes off leash with the option to get lost in the woods, threatening never to return.  They get first choice of which kids cozy bed they'll sleep in and often claim the head of the bed and a pillow or two.  And on the rare occasion that we go out and don't return by the curfew they set for us....

they get really pissed off!

All over the floor.  (We've already removed most of the carpet upstairs for this very reason.)  Because they've got us right where they want us.  Wrapped around their paws.  With all the power to make us give in to their demands.  Or suffer the consequences.  


  1. Diapers on dogs are popular here in the Philippines, want me to send you some?

  2. It's all in the eyes...those hypnotic eyes...
