Monday, June 16, 2014

Daddy Issues

I ponder it all the time. Why am I like this?  Why can't I do better?  Oh, I know why.  It's my daddy issues.  Specifically,  why am I such a crappy gift giver on Father's Day?  This year I was going to do better and blow it out of the water.  Maybe, partly, totally inspired by the fact that my husband gave me a cruiser bike with a homemade basket and tail rack for Mother's Day.  How does one top that?  HOW, I ask?

The plan changed a bit when my sister and her family came out for an impromptu visit for the weekend.  Father's Day weekend.  Then I figured we could just bond as sisters over our communal daddy issues.  The thing was, this year I had a plan.  Plus, I scored THE perfect Father's Day gift for my husband.  This was not going to be like that lame-ass gift I gave him for our anniversary.  So I was bursting with anticipation.

Luckily, I didn't buy him a hammock.  Cause he bought that for himself and strung it up on the porch with the assistance of my brother in law the day BEFORE Father's Day.  Phhhheeewwwww.  Tragedy averted.   No, my plan was better.  Requiring good weather.  A road trip.  And a river.

Accompanied by River and the other elements and our guests of course too.

Because this year, I got Craig a flotation device.  An inflatable kayak.  Which he LOVED!

Ok, so maybe I got it for him because it's a DOUBLE KAYAK.  So maybe I kinda, totally benefit from this gift.  Maybe I actually gave myself a Father's Day gift.  See, I told you I have daddy issues.


  1. What a fabulous gift! I want one!!

  2. I'm more than happy with a sleeve of golf balls or a good cigar.

    I would have liked that floaty a few years ago though.

    That hammock looks like an accident waiting to happen.

  3. The best father's day gift is time...

  4. What an original gift! For Father's day, I like to organise an outing for the whole family too.

  5. A great gift! I gave my husband a canoe trip on a river where we lived at the time for his 40th b-day, and he still talks about that as the best present ever. Events/adventures are definitely better than just things. Although I still totally want clothes:-)
