Thursday, January 23, 2014

Royalties for All

I figured it out a while ago.  And I've been so ridiculously excited waiting.  Like Christmas morning.  Except I wasn't getting the presents, I was giving them.  And it was the most perfect present ever.  How often do you get the chance to give the most perfect present ever?  Well, probably more often than you think.

Self publishing a book is not a money making venture.  It's a labor of love.  Because 80% of self published books won't even break even.  The average cost of self-publishing is between $3,000 and $6,000.  Let me just confirm that that statistic is absolutely true. Maybe a little low even.  And this is for non-flashy stuff, like the interior layout of the text of the book, which in my case cost $3,000 for both the print and e-version.  No.  I'm not kidding you.  Trust me, I was in shock.  I just thought you uploaded the text.  What the hell did I know?

The thing is, Rock the Kasbah the book was never intended to be a get rich quick scheme.  Thank god.  Rock the Kasbah is about sharing a message.  And that message is that change is possible if you work hard and want it bad enough.  Not only did I want and need the personal change which occurred in part to writing the manuscript, I'm greedy and I want more.  I want the world to change. Ok, maybe that's a bit of a lofty goal.  So, I'll down-size it.  For now.

I've decided to donate the first month royalties from Rock the Kasbah to Education for All, a British non-profit organization that educates girls in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco.  Girls who without this program wouldn't have the opportunity to get an education.  And I ask you, is there any better gift than the gift of an education?

So, I'm proud to announce, that if you have purchased my book in the last month, you have helped change the course of a Moroccan girl's life clear across the world.  You feel all warm and fuzzy don't you?  So do I.  Together we've made a difference.  And I couldn't have done it without you.


For more information on this worthy organization Visit Education for All here


  1. Well deserving cause. You have such a good heart.

  2. I self-publish through Rose Dog Books for $1000. If I could sell my books for $150 a copy I could break even.

    Oh well, my kids like they say.

  3. @ Lucy-Investing in women is always a worthy cause!
    @ Joeh-Wow….$1000? You got off cheap my friend!

  4. is there a link for the book or are you making us do the work by searching google/amazon? I'm lazy and need direct links, ha

  5. I did buy it in the last month, so I'm happy that I'm part of that gift. We are going to self-publish the book I'm working on. I'm going to email you with some questions. And btw, you should keep a link to the book on your blog page. C'mon, don't be shy.

  6. This is such a generous gesture Marie!
    How are the sales doing?

  7. @BOG-Yes, E-mail me and I'll answer anything I can!
