Saturday, June 15, 2013


I have so many stories to tell and just not enough time to tell them.  So, in this post, I'm providing you with the pictures and you get to make up the story that goes with them.  Feel free to leave your story in  comments.  I can't wait to hear what you come up with!  (Also, I have encyclopedias from 1968.  They are vintage!  Any takers?)


  1. Okay, it looks like your readers are not falling for that ploy. We demand that YOU and only you tell us the real stories here. C'mon, you know you want to. :)

  2. Yeah, I can see that didn't go over so well. Working on a new post now, amidst the constant chaos of summer.

  3. Ah, the World Book- previously from Field Enterprises- in the red, silver, and ivory editions... Yet, the yearbooks (and Science Years) were only available in Ivory...
    All of which can be read on an exercycle- to provide fodder for the brain and the body...
