Monday, April 1, 2013



A facebook trend where instead of using a real picture, a user uploads a picture of a celebrity with whom they vainly perceive shared physical features but is in reality much more attractive. DOPPELGANGER

First of all, I'm the youngest of six kids. So one of the worst things you could say to me is "Hey, you know who you look like?" Cause yeah. I KNOW. I look exactly like my dad and my five siblings. I know this I've been told this my whole life. Not like it's a bad thing, but it's kinda like living in the shadow of someone else. And all I've ever wanted to be is my own individual person. NOT Cindy Brady! Cause that's where I am in the line-up of the 3 boy, 3 girl split in my family.

In my 20's I used to get "Hey, you know who you look like" a lot. It was usually the same actress over and over and I didn't even know who she was. At first. Just so you know what we're dealing with here. Here's a glamor shot of me circa 1990. In my defense, the photo shoot was a gift. And what a gift it was. My kids can make fun of me for years to come and now you can too. While the rest of the world was perming their hair to make it look that frizzy, mine is natural. With the help of lots of Aussie Sprunch Spray back. Yay me.

Of course that's me dolled up by a professional. I didn't look like that on an average day. This is me on an average day, back in the day...

You can't tell in this photo, but this picture was in Paris when I was a foot masseuse. Ok, I wasn't a professional. But, I was really good at sneezing apparently, at at least threatening to sneeze. I LOVED, insanely loved that white v-neck t-shirt WITH shoulder pads I got at Express. My slouchy posture? It's totally natural like my frizzy hair. Don't be jealous.

Naturally, my kids have seen some of my old mortifying photos. So, we were watching an old movie the other night when River was like "Hey, you know who you look like? Her. When you were younger." This was a new one for me. I don't think anyone had ever told me I looked like Elizabeth Perkins from Big before. I think it's the hair. (Interesting factoid: This is pre-Weeds deep smoker voice that she has now. That's what 20 plus years of smoking does to you.)

No, back in the day I used to get "Hey, you know who you look like? Anna from General Hospital. Now, I'm not a soap opera watcher, so after I heard this a few times, oddly mostly from guys, I looked to see who she was and what people thought I looked like. Even though she's gorgeous and I was flattered, I still wanted to punch them in the face. It was only a few years ago when my friend Sara told me the actress who played her, Finola Hughes, was also in Saturday Night Fever. Which I'd never seen because in addition to hating soap operas, I also hate dance movies. That was until I saw this still from the movie of her looking all confused ninja. The awkward pose, frizzy hair and a superhero looking costume.

 Ok, maybe we do look alike...

I totally see it now.

We're doppelgangers for sure!  I could totally kick her ass though.  Just sayin'.


  1. You can't tell me that that picture of Finola Hughes doesn't make you want to watch "Staying Alive"??? I know you hate dance movies, but seriously this may be a movie you will love to hate...especially because you can watch her slow dance with John Travolta....haha!

  2. @ Sara-You just compounded my disinterest in seeing it by uttering "John Travolta".....EWWWW!!!

  3. Was this a real Glamour Shot, like from one of those studios from back in the day? I always wanted to do it ...

    Love the hair!

  4. @ Laura-YES totally authentic from the studio in a mall somewhere in Florida from 1990!

  5. Amazingly correct! How could I miss it? (I guess because I never watched soaps before, either!)

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