Thursday, February 21, 2013

Reese's Method

I've always been relatively fit. But, over the years, my reason for staying that way has changed. When I was in my 20's it was about trying to look good. In 30's it was mitigating my slowing metabolism. Now, in my 40's I have so many more reasons for staying healthy. Not only that, I have a completely different attitude and focus. And I no longer do the minimum, just to get by.

Maybe because the minimum no longer works. Probably because I want to be a good example for my kids. Definitely because if I don't, my mind and my body feel sluggish.

So I started doing what I now call the Reese's Method. Mmmmm...chocolate. Mmmmmmm....peanut butter. Random collision of a person walking down the street eating a chocolate bar with someone on a steamroller chowing down a jar of peanut butter and a Reese's is born. It's like that. You do things you like to do. You can even mix them with other things you like doing. You could take something you don't like to do and mix it with something you do. Then you could learn to like it because it's fun. Cause are you gunna stick with something that's not fun? I mean if you're not a triathlete, of course. I've never seen anyone train for one of those things who looked like they were having fun.

Today I was trying out this combo. You know, for fun. To spice things up.

The thing with the Reese's Method? There are no rules. Which could also be a bad thing. I would not suggest swimming with roller skates on. That just seems like a bad idea. It's all just common sense. There aren't any hard and fast rules with your diet either. Eat healthy real food that doesn't come out of a can or a package most of the time. And every once in a while, treat yourself. Because denial leads to obsession. Just maybe don't King size it. And if you do, you do. It's not the end of the world, forgive yourself and move on.

I'm probably going to have to forgive myself for this later.

And that's ok, cause it's not about perfection. Although, I do hope they're perfectly spicy...

1 comment:

  1. I dunno, Marie... A corkscrew on skates... Besides the visuals...
