Sunday, August 26, 2012


A paperwork snafu with the Peace Corps has left us temporarily without health insurance. As you know, we are a family of 6. I have 3 active children and one who can only be described as the spawn of Evel Knievel and David Blaine. Then there's Craig's penchant for power tools and mine for swords. I should be worried about this I suppose. But, I have a very intimate relationship with denial. So, I'm positive everything is going to be fine. Just fine.

When we were in Morocco we didn't go to the doctor, except for some needed shots. And we did go to the dentist once. Luckily, we're pretty healthy people. Knocking on wood as t p . (I'm right handed by the way.)

So, we haven't been to the dentist in two years now. And the kids are desperately in need of appointments. I'm sure they all have a mouth full of cavities from drinking Moroccan tea. I'm sure my teeth are fine by the way. Not because I have exceptional dental hygiene, but like I told you, denial and I are tight.

Back in July, I scheduled all 4 of the kids for their very overdue trip to the dentist so I didn't have to take them out of school. Much to my kids dismay. Then, our insurance company inadvertently cancelled our coverage. Much to my kids delight. You do know Peace Corps is a government agency right? Nuff said. Determined to get my kids in to see the dentist, I inquired as to how much it would be for the 4 kids to get cleanings and exams sans insurance. And that would be a whopping $800. And that's without x-rays and without that sticky sweet cotton candy flavored fluoride treatment. So, I decided maybe an ounce of prevention wasn't worth a pound of cure after all. Cause if the cavity creep already infiltrated their mouths he was gonna eat up that cotton candy goo like it was...well... candy. So I rescheduled the kids for October when hopefully this is all cleared up. Hopefully. Did I mention we're dealing with the government here? I think I did.

Remember I said we went to the dentist in Morocco once? Which was way, way different. And, much, much cheaper. You can read about it in one of my early posts from Morocco here.)

Now, I've had acne my whole life. Over the years I've tried everything. Ok, almost everything, to clear it. Then about 4 or 5 years ago, it finally disappeared with a cocktail of Yaz birth control pills and a topical cream called Tazorac. But, of course, it's not cheap. Before we left for Morocco Yaz was $60 per month without insurance and Tazorac was about $100/per tube which, thankfully, lasts about 3 months. But, like I said, that was over 2 years ago. When I went to the pharmacy last month to get generic Yaz, it was $75. I can't imagine how much those three letters Y-A-Z will cost you. Nor did I ask.

In the pharmacy in Morocco, I could get the generic Yaz called Jasmine for $4 a month. Yes, $4! And the generic Tazorac pictured above? Yup, $4! So while there is no assurance provided by the FDA that this isn't somehow hazardous to my health or made of camel piss or goat penis, who the hell cares? It's $4!

Oh, and then there's that other medication for ADD. But, you can't get that in Morocco. Because ADD doesn't exist there. It's true. Homosexuality doesn't either, just so you know. So those rampant rumors that the king of Morocco is gay? That everyone has heard, but no one talks about above a whisper? Obviously, they are untrue. And I'm sure he has a really long attention span too.

Sooner or later our insurance will be straightened out. All 4 of the kids will go to the dentist and it will cost us a small fortune anyway, even with insurance. I'm sure my acne will return when I get pregnant from not being on the pill. And yet, a whole country will still be in way more denial than I will ever be.


  1. It would be interesting to see when this nationwide denial would finally expire *sigh*

  2. i want some $4 drugs! i just ran out of my acne stuff and i'm waiting for my face to come back into full bloom any moment now. ack.

  3. I love your positive denial attitude. Works nicely enough with my early morning coffee while reading your post! Maire, be happy you do not live in Switzerland, dentist costs are even higher here than in the States!
    Being solution oriented (for others always): have Yaz and Tazorac sent from Morocco.

  4. Yikes! You should have packed a suitcase full of Yaz and Tazorac before leaving Morocco, much like a packed a suitcase full of OB tampons to bring to South Africa. Only to discover, after finally succumbing, that the local tampons are way better. No such luck for you I guess the other way around with your medicines. And I love your closing sentence. Perfect.

  5. Don't you just love government snafus? Hang in there, it will all be resolved at a snail's pace. Your kids shouldn't gloat too much. I went to the dentist one time when I was a kid (my mum was a Depression baby and didn't believe in preventive anything, even though dad was in the Air Force and treatment was free). I had four cavities by the way. Oh there was one other trip to a dentist when I was 13. To get my ears pierced. :D

  6. The real question is which country is in denial? Or, is it both?

  7. I wish you were kidding when you speak of swords and Evil Knievel child, but I know you're as serious as heck. This is where you and I are not twins. I make my kids wear a bike helmet to walk to school...sorta...ok, sometimes!
    And really? No homosexuality in Morocco? How do they explain that then? I need to read more...and by read, I don't mean blogs.

  8. @ Joy-I'm not sure which is bigger the national debt or national denial. Hmmmm....
    @ Sherilin-Dude, I have a huge ass zit on my chin right now.
    @ Barbara-Had I known I would have bought the whole damn pharmacy and started my own healthcare plan.
    @ Sine-I had no idea or I would have stocked up on South African tampons while I was there. Opportunity lost.
    @ Cathy-Did they give you novacane before they drilled the holes in your ears?
    @ Roy- EXACTLY!
    @ Sandra- It's illegal to be gay everywhere in Africa except South Africa which apparently, also boasts great tampons.

  9. GREAT tampons but not so great condoms. As in 1.35 million condoms having to be recalled recently during the ANC 100-year celebrations (I wrote about it here, if anyone is in any way interested). But yes, SA is a great country in terms of inclusion of all groups and races. When they wrote their new constitution in the 90s they took care to make sure gays get the same rights as everyone else...
