Sunday, August 12, 2012


I've always felt different. I'm a lifelong tomboy who loves to play in the dirt, but hates to watch football. I do have girly side, but it doesn't involve a mani-pedi or watching musicals. Because I abhor both of those. Unless I'm in the right company, in which case I would do any of the above. Because even though I tend to be antisocial and despise these things, I love my friends.

I, like everyone else, am a series of contradictions.

I left for Morocco one person and returned different. Ok, not vastly different. I just totally contradicted myself. Kinda different. I can eat a bug without flinching. Well, not a big crunchy bug. But the little bugs that infiltrate care packages of crackers and cereal in shipment from the states. Definitely. They were simply casualties of my no crumb left behind policy. I protected myself with a patina of b.o. armor that has both sunscreen benefits and simultaneously repels diplomats and attracts Peace Corps volunteers. I must confess, even though I'm back in the states, I still have a ban on Ban. Cause really doesn't everyone want to repel diplomats? And we haven't even discussed my mad dirty towel bargaining skills I've acquired. Or how useful that is in the real world.

Don't worry, I'm still a huge dork. I still snort when I laugh. And god knows I will never master 9th grade math. You got me, 7th grade math. Oh, and I still have no interest in seeing Mama Mia. And my Sundays will not be spent in front of the tv watching the game. But what I am is a smidge less sensitive and a dollop stronger. I don't know if anyone else sees it. And honestly it doesn't matter.

Because I'm different now.


  1. Oh my how I love you and THIS post, THIS post was fantastic...excpet for the part where you say you don't like musicals...hello! Grease! Doesn't anybody remember how great the movie Grease was?
    You are an amazing woman. I really like you. You don't, by chance, live in Winnipeg, do you?

  2. Sandra...I love you too! And unfortunately I don't live in Winnipeg or we'd be hangin' out. But I am half Canadian.

  3. Girl, you just used "dolop" in a sentence...will you marry me?

    I started the "uh, wait till dad gets home" line when we hit 6th grade math...but I still manage all the bills.(??) Amazing that you don't need to know algebra or spacial geometry to keep from bouncing checks--just a little addition and subtraction. (hey, do you think we should tell washington that?)

    Adore you, quirks and all.

  4. It only matters that you know it. And I bet in some ways you're more than a dollop stronger.

  5. I do not really consider myself a girly-girl, but I guess everything's relative. I do love deodorant, mani/pedis, and Mama Mia... ;-*

  6. Having never met you "before" I have to take your word on this. However, I am well pleased with the Marie that I know and really excited about all the great stuff ahead of you.

    Thanks for exposing all your faults to us on your blog. It helps me to be myself too—and to love you even more;)
