Saturday, July 28, 2012

World Record Day

It wasn't just any friday, it was the day we set out to break the world record. Yes, the Guiness World record. What tremendous feat could we possibly perform? The most people in a photo wearing swim caps. I know you can feel the danger. Fingers may be pinched, forehead wrinkles exaggerated and problem solving skills challenged to get ones ponytail into the swim cap. Without any water. Did I mention that? Yes, it's treacherous, but we're up for challenge.

It was all part of the kick off to the Rocky Mountain State games and coordinates perfectly with the opening ceremonies in London. We arrived in downtown Colorado Springs confused. Where do we get the swim caps? What time are they doing this exactly? And how the hell are they going to count all the people wearing swim caps to know if we broke the record? For those of you who may not know, the current record for people in a photo wearing swim caps was set in Georgia on January 1, 2012 with 2,049 people.

Like I said, this also coordinates with the opening of the Rocky Mountain State Games. With just a little less grandeur than the ceremony in London. But, there was a torch. And thus, a torch bearer. A local hero in these parts, but one that you may know if you watched the coverage of the Waldo Canyon Fire. Jerry Mar, with the US Forest Service. My family knows her as the lady that tripped over the microphone cords on camera right before a morning news briefing on the status of the fire with her coffee. Maybe it was just our family that thought that was hilarious and watched it over and over on repeat. And no, she didn't trip with the torch. Not that I was wishing she did or anything. Although I did have my camera ready, just in case.

You may wonder if this is a photo of the Nuvaring. It's not. Although every city should have large reminders that controlling the size of the population is a good thing. Because when you have large masses of people with too much time on their hands then they come up with these stupid ideas like wearing swim caps and taking pictures of themselves. Which really doesn't better a community, unless you just need some comic relief because a fire burned 346 homes to the ground and then a crazy shooter killed 12. Then it actually does.

So we picked up our swim caps and got assigned to a square in the grid. Where we sat around and waited while eating trail mix. This is Colorado's state food in case you don't know. Well, not officially or anything. But everyone knows it is. It doesn't actually have to be official. So we stood there in our caps for 10 minutes while some guy in a utility truck with a bucket got the aerial shot. Or so we hope. Did we break the record? We still don't know.

And really it doesn't matter. Because unofficially, I think we all know we did win. We're winners.

Photo credit Birgit Landin

Cause look how committed we are to the cause.

And by we, I mean my friend Lori. Who was even willing to break the world record for woman in a swim cap pooping in public.

So I ask you? How? How could we be losers? Unofficially, we're not. Not yet.


  1. I can't wait to share this with my grandkids....

  2. Thank you biscuit. You're making me hungry. I wonder if I have any jam around here...

  3. True, CO has been through a LOT and I guess it's fitting that you guys chose the swim cap, perhaps to say as Dory did (Finding Nemo), "Just keep swimming...". Or am I reading and thinking too much again? ;-)

  4. ...maybe I should have added an explanation mark. Hilarious without an exclamation mark might be misconstrued as sarcastic and obnoxious, although how anyone could not laugh out loud at this is beyond me. The photos of Lori are priceless! :-) Love it!

  5. ... actually, not an "explanation" mark. I don't know what that is. I meant an "exclamation" perhaps I should stop posting comments on blogs since I don't appear to be very good at it...

  6. You do live a funny life! I love Lori's pic!
