Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Belly Dance vs. Roller Derby

I knew it had to be one or the other before I even left Morocco. It was either my old love, roller derby. Or my new love, belly dance. I wish I didn't have to choose because I love them both. Both for different reasons. But with conflicting practice schedules, not to mention 4 kids whose social agendas impede mine, I must choose.

I thought I had this figured out though. I thought the clear winner was belly dance. I found an instructor here in Colorado I adore. Who teaches both oriental and tribal styles and I'm taking them both. And then something happened.

Photo courtesy of Fred Greenwood

Actually, a few things happened. First, I saw my derby wife, Mama Beast, who has just recently retired from derby herself. And the memories started to flood back. Then last week she was the one who told me about the passing of another derby team mate. We all started derby at the same time. It was sudden and freak passing. A tragic reminder that life is too fleeting. To just do it. Do it now. Whatever your "it" may be.

Then, on Saturday, the wife and I went to the new banked track leagues bout. See, we skated flat track. Most of the country does. Because most of the leagues in the country can't afford the track.

Oh my god. I want to skate it's curves. To take the outside and slalom back down and knock a girl to her knees clean to the inside of the track.

Photo courtesy of Fred Greenwood

I want to be covered in bruises.

I want to wear a really big belt buckle that could really bruise someone else. (But in reality just injures me.)

But, did I tell you at my last belly dance class I got my sword? Yes. Sword. And I freakin' LOVE it? My kids are all like, "Why can't I have a sword?" I tried to explain that they could if they became my personal sous chef with it. But they didn't get it. So I ended with a stern "Don't touch mommy's sword."

I want to dance with a sword on my head.

With really big earrings. (That could seriously injure myself or others. Yes, both the earrings and the sword.)

Look, I'm simultaneously balancing the sword and earrings. And, check it out, no hands. And I'm not the only one who thinks I look like a penguin in this photo right?

So what will it be? Dance or Derby? I don't know yet. Feel free to vote. (Although your voting has absolutely no effect on what I'll actually choose. Do it anyway.)

No matter what I do, I'm definitely keeping my derby wife.

This post is dedicated to the memory of MurdeRita. RIP


  1. Ok, you do look like a penguin. But the balance is way cool! You should keep a record of how long you could hold the balance! :)

  2. I used to watch the roller derby with my Ma. She was so into it; yelling at the TV and cursing! It was a blast! Memories to cherish!

    I took belly dance for three years and also had a blast with that. I love the new tribal dances and the sword. I had the opportunity recently to dance with the sword and it felt fu#king empowering! Sword Woman to the rescue!

    Okay, so I'm not going to try and tell you which to choose Neo. Red (roller derby) or Blue (belly dance). Just remember we don't want to have to scrape your old bones off the floor when Big Bad 21 year old Bertha sends you flying off the track. Okay, so I'm pro the blue choice;)

    Whatever your choice; have fun!

  3. Whoa, mama. Isn't there some way to combine the two?

  4. My suggestion is that you keep that sucker balanced- it looks like it could sever a toe should you shimmy a little too much!

    My vote- which you already indicates counts as much as voting in the 2010 elections (since they are over and already counted)- is that whichever choice you make, you keep writing about your escapades. I love hearing (ok, reading and hearing your words echo in my brain) your tales.

  5. My suggestion is that you keep that sucker balanced- it looks like it could sever a toe should you shimmy a little too much!

    My vote- which you already indicates counts as much as voting in the 2010 elections (since they are over and already counted)- is that whichever choice you make, you keep writing about your escapades. I love hearing (ok, reading and hearing your words echo in my brain) your tales.

  6. Duh Marie, this is so simple.


  7. Duh Marie, this is so simple.


  8. I'm liking Jaime's post- banked sword roller derby. Now that sounds like fun!

    Your sword picture rocks my world. You are now in another stratosphere of belly Rabatis seem like simple, peasant belly dancers now, compared to you! Awesome!

  9. Enlighten an ignorant European, Marie, please! What is roller derby, is it anything similar to Rollerball, I saw that movie when I was in the States (guess my age!), if I remember correctly we saw it twice plus a bathtub of popcorn and a tank of Cola with it. But I digress, you could wear your Burkhini to the roller derby, could you not?

  10. I missed you so much!

    I'm trying to get back into derby myself after taking some time off. I'm a "veteran newbie" and it has been a slightly rough transition for me. I have to say as much as I miss playing, I don't miss the late night practices that keep you up because it is hard to unwind. I like going to bed at a reasonable time and getting up early in the morning to enjoy a run. Plus the game has changed... A LOT! Also, don't forget the additional things that you have to do with derby like committee work, event appearances, etc. Since I've been interested in belly dancing for awhile, I think you should keep up with that...I'm a tad bit jelly of your sword. :)


  11. The sword rocks, but I dream of you in skates. Follow your heart babe....and mail me your sword if you quit?

  12. Either way it looks like fun! I know you'll make the right decision! ;p

  13. Shame you can't keep both! Is there any end to your talents Marie? I am very impressed.

  14. Although Roller Derby was always better than wrestling has EVER been, and I loved seeing grown women smacking each other down, my vote goes with the phallic symbol...uh...sword, and belly dancing. Not that my vote counts. Just you get older those phallic symbols gain in importance. :D

  15. Love the new sword, you know my vote's for belly dancing.
