Monday, June 18, 2012

Truth Is...

We've been back in the states for a week now. We have been so ridiculously busy trying to set up our house, buy a car, buying a washer and dryer, registering the kids in school, getting cell phones, internet and cable. Oh, and I've already taken two belly dance classes. Where we're learning sword.  I kid you not. So, there has been far more going on than I could ever cover in one blog post. But, I'm gonna try.

Photo credit Mark Green

First of all, I know you're dying to know the fate of the South Africa lingerie pants. Well, the day before we left we pantsed the Greens. They were waving high in the breeze of their palm tree in front of their house. This made us both very proud and cocky that they were left with the pants. But, the truth is...they found the pants the day we left Morocco, got them down and planted them in our luggage which we didn't realize until we got to America. (I say we win on style points though.)


 I have been back and forth to the store for all kinds of things this last week. So much so that I'm actually sick of it.  Somehow in all that to-ing and fro-ing,  I have managed not to buy  these really affordable stripper shoes. The truth is, if I had a valid excuse, I so would.  Like maybe I'll need them for that sword routine. 


But for now, I'm completely enamored by the cleaning aisle. Where the truth is, I can be seen huffing natural cleaners. You know for that natural high that you get from that. When everything is really clean.

I was so high on cleaner that I thought I was in Morocco when I saw this super funky Moroccan looking camel tea pot in Whole Foods. The truth is, it's a bit boring to not have to bargain with some guy in the souk for it and not to wonder if that pungent smell is souk guy's b.o. or if the tea pot is filled with camel piss.

The second day in Colorado I colored my hair a lovely shade of red in the hotel bathroom before 6am while the rest of my family slept.  It looked great when I finished.  The truth is it didn't.  Hours later,  Craig told me I missed a whole huge section on the back of my head obvious to everyone behind me. This photo does not do justice to the severity of  this botched dye job.  And that white hotel towel I used? It looks like we murdered a squirrel and cleaned the crime scene with it.

Then there's food.  Oh my god, food!  We are completely overwhelmed at the choices of food here and how many new products in our two year absence.  I have cried down the aisles of Costco more than once crippled by the possibilities before I just started throwing things in my ginormous cart that smoothly rolls the pristine aisles.  I had already bought lots of greens when I realized it was the day to pick up the summers first delivery of organic veggies from our  csa.  Not only that, we've gorged on Mexican food. And the truth is? We reek!  Mexican + excessive organic veggies = excessive intestinal distress and flatulence.Some things never change.

Now that we're out of the hotel and living in our house (which doesn't have a 9 foot gate around it), we've gotten a lot of visitors. Furry four-legged visitors. The deer visited even more frequently because the girls were leaving food for them.  We do have all those veggies after all.  The truth is, we have since forbade  this, as we don't want the other furry creatures who also live in these parts at our back door. Like sasquatches. Cause I already have enough mouths to feed.

We already had our first happy hour at our local watering hole with friends. It's one of our favorite things about summer here in Colorado.  And after an extensive search for the perfect sunscreen.  The truth is, I think the burkini is the best protection from the brutal Colorado sun.  Except it's a bitch to get this off when you need to pee.

And this is how my toe tribute to my friends in Morocco is going. It's a mess. And the truth is, I'm a mess. I miss the exotic, gritty, chaotic simplicity that is Morocco. And I don't feel like I quite fit the stressful yet mundane, hygienic, orderly land I have moved to. I love my friends here. And Colorado. But, I  miss Morocco more than I thought.  And I feel more than a little lost because I didn't quite come back the same person as the one that left.. 


  1. How could you be the same person now that you own a burkini?! LMAO. At the community pool, much less. Gosh I adore and miss you.

  2. Always amazing how much a little change feels like a big one when we are surrounded by different circumstances. Loved the post, Marie...

  3. So glad you all made it home safe and sound. Also so glad you decided to keep posting despite your threat to take the summer off- cuz the truth is we'd (or at least I) would really miss your posts!! Even when you're not writing about Morocco you got it goin' on. Always good for a laugh- Thanks for that!
    AND I am soooo jealous about the Mexican Madrid it just isn't the same as California :(

  4. I heard just today that color-blocked hair is a big fashion trend right now. The model had one color over the top and a very different color underneath. This was a fun post.

  5. I am so living through you, as I know we'll be going through the same things whenever our stint is over. My son just said he SO misses Mexican food, so we can all relate to that part, flatulence and all:-) My guess is no one is yet thinking about all that we'll miss about South Africa whenever we move back... Even all those cops trying to bribe us.

  6. @ Sara I adore and miss you too!
    @ Roy Thanks!
    @ Christine Thank you so much! I'm trying to write when I can throughout the summer.
    @ BOG I'm pretty sure my horizontal streak (that I tried to correct with no luck) isn't fashionable anywhere. Well, yet.
    @ Sine Funny my neighbors think we lived in South Africa.

  7. Well... I certainly loose that bet! You've admitted to missing Morracco WAY sooner than I predicted! Lol but I think your reasons make a good point. It is a constant here- rushing and primping- I'm with you! America needs to take a break! :D

  8. After living in St. Croix for five years I found it a bit difficult to embrace the careful living of the mainland. I was used to bare-footing it, and suddenly I had to squeeze my island feet into the narrow shoes of mainland living.

    You have changed—this is good. You will always have Morocco, and the lessons she has taught you. She has touched every part of your life with her spicy self. I don't believe for a minute that you are done with your explorations. Who knows what adventures lie ahead! There is always your book..,

  9. I tried to warn you! :) But experience is best left to oneself! I hope all goes well settling into your home!

  10. Welcome back to the States. I hope you energize the bunnies out in Colorado. You'll be ok...and glad you're posting again.

  11. Isn't it amazing how life changes us in ways we never expect? And I do agree that food would probably be a huge adjustment area. Now that you have fresh eyes (somewhat), don't you think the choices and the quantity of food here are just insane?? I know I felt that way (completely overwhelmed) when I first visited the US as a tourist in 2001.

  12. Loved the post.... how things change and everything is still the same! :)

    Loved the experience in the burkini! :)

  13. Great post. Would you have ever thought you'd experience culture shock upon return to your own country? ;)

  14. Missing Morocco, are we? I totally understand. When I go back to France I am in cultural shock too. And I only live in the UK...What can I say: enjoy the food and take care!

  15. You may be missing Morocco, but you certainly seem to be diving back into USA 'culture' in a bid to settle back in. Looking forward to reading more posts as you are a 'newbie' in your own country. x

  16. Welcome back!! You're busy busy busy!

  17. Having left and not yet arrived - I know the feeling, when your senses are on red alert and you notice everything as if you are ET. It will not persist.

    I would have loved to see the reaction of all the other people at the pool when you made your appearance in a burkini with a drink in your hands!
