Thursday, March 15, 2012


I knew she didn't have long. I just wanted a few more months with her. She was such an integral part of my life here. Even though the time we shared was brief, the memories are enduring. How could she leave me? We still had so much to experience together.

It started soon after we got here. Things were so hard. I needed something to get me through the transition.

Then I saw her at Aswak Asalam.

She was beautiful. Even though she was a bit cheap. But she knew how to get everything done. I knew we'd be best friends. And I was right.

I saw her almost everyday. She was fabulous in the kitchen and helped me make a quiche crust, grind almonds into flour, shred carrots and puree soup. And even though it didn't happen very often, my favorite was making guacamole and margaritas together.

Then one day she had a fall. She wasn't the same after that. But, we still made it work. I was just more delicate with her in such a frail condition. We went on like that for months.

Until last night when she had another fall. A fatal one. I didn't know it was the last time. After all, she'd just whipped me up some of the best guac I've ever made just an hour before.

RIP my friend.

Rest in Pieces.

It's gonna be hard to go on without you. But I will find a way to puree those avocados to make that chocolate avocado pudding recipe I just got in your memory.


  1. Ha! Poor thing, will there be a service?

  2. Same loss here - two years ago. Started smoking and smoking kills Dead at 31.

  3. Great post- but it's not fair to tease!
    Mentioning a great chocolate avocado recipe and not sharing...

    (Oh, and you can one of my five food processors. I never use them. Unless, of course, this recipe converts me :-) .)

  4. Roy here's the recipe. Just got it from my friend and haven't tried it yet.

    Chocolate Avocado Pudding
    • 2 ripe avocados
    • 2 tsp. real vanilla extract
    • ½ cup cocoa powder
    • ½ cup maple syrup
    • ¾ cup milk (coconut, almond, raw dairy... your preference)

    1. Slice avocado in half, remove the pit, scoop out the fruit, and throw it in the blender with the other ingredients.
    2. Blend until smooth. You may need to stop a couple of times and scrape down the sides. Add a bit more milk if necessary.

    Variation Suggestions: add ½ - 1 tsp. (depending on your preference) of cinnamon, cayenne, or peanut butter. You could also substitute half of the vanilla extract with almond extract.

  5. i hate it when my favorite little helpers kick the bucket.
    that recipe looks awesome! now i need to go eat an avocado to fulfill my craving.

  6. You know Marie, I thought you've been in Morocco long enough to know that nothing here is ever "broken." You just bust out the tape, fix 'er up and proceed with caution. And if that doesn't work, you KNOW there's a dude in the medina. I bet he can fix it for a sweet 10 dhs. Perhaps she can be brought back to life. Zombie Processor perhaps?
