Sunday, February 19, 2012


She leaves in two days on an overnight trip with the school. There've been some sleepless nights and some nerves. But none of those are hers. She's been packed for the last week. She would be on the bus out of town today if she could. And that's why I'm so nervous.

As a mother I have a lot of jobs.



Problem Solver.




French speaker.

But, I don't do any of those jobs. Jade does. Not that I've asked her to do any of them. It's just her nature. She is our earth element after all.

She is the only child in this house that gets along with the other three kids. Think about the potential combinations of air, water and fire. The fire is fueled by the the air. And the water would love nothing more than to extinguish the flames. But, the earth simply accepts all the other elements as they are. As does Jade.

So my greatest fear when Jade leaves? The chaos that will ensue when she's gone. And that maybe it will be so peaceful out there she won't want to come back.

You see we've all become so jaded.


  1. She sounds like my son.. I wonder if there is one 'Jade' in every family. She'll probably think of the getaway as a SPA retreat. Hold on mom, she'll be back.

  2. I don't think there is, I think we're just extremely lucky!

  3. Great post. And, great practice for a decade from now when you children have abandoned your roost for the great outdoors... (they return- I promise)...

  4. You have to save this for her! She will love looking back on it in 10 years or so. Good luck surviving during her trip. She will have a good time, but I have a feeling there is no way she won't be itching to get back to ya'll.
