Friday, January 6, 2012

Black & White

Morocco is located in North Africa. South Africa in well, South Africa. This is where the list of contrasts begins. Morocco is an old monarchy. South Africa, a new democracy. A Moroccan winter is a South African summer. Morocco is predominantly Muslim. South Africa, mostly Christian. It's illegal to be homosexual in Morocco. South Africa is the only country in Africa where being gay isn't illegal. How much more black and white can the differences be?

First of all, in South Africa they drive on the wrong side of the road, where they also adhere to these things known as traffic laws.

The toilets flush in the opposite direction here in the Southern Hemisphere. Ok, so that's an urban legend. Trust me. I checked. But the hot and cold are on opposite sides of the faucets, which can be extremely confusing. And scalding.

The parks are clean, stray cat-less AND you can sit on the grass. My friend Faith is so happy about this that she's using her orbit gum commercial smile!

Like everywhere in Africa there are gates around everything, but South Africa takes it a step further by capping their gates with razor wire. (Although taking pictures of the razor wired gates is taboo apparently. Whoops.)

Did I mention corn dogs grow on trees here? Yeah. It's true!

And there are like a zillion sauces in the supermarket that you can dip those corn dogs in. Seriously. South Africans love sauces.

And that the steak is really bloody here because it isn't halal? Merry Christmas indeed!

But maybe the strangest thing is the reverse zoo thing they have going on. See all the humans are locked up.

While all the wild animals roam free...

And the real adventure hasn't even started yet.

To be continued...


  1. So glad to see you're back, and so glad to finally see and read about your trip. I'm quite certain the posts will be very entertaining! :)
    Happy 2012 to you and all the family!

  2. oh yeah yeah yeah!!! Can't wait to read more about this trip!

  3. Ah, Marie, welcome back and a wonder and laughter filled 2012 for you! "The toilets flush in the opposite direction" - honestly, does this mean you save on showers?
    Cannot wait for the continuation!

  4. I love this. Toilets flush (and sinks drain) in different directions on different sides of a continental divide. I thought that happened at a particular latitude (or longitude?) but Wikipedia says it follows the drainage of major rivers. So it probably happens in a different part of South Africa. (More than you wanted to know, but at our cabin in Minnesota's north woods the sink drained the opposite way.)

  5. Cool photos! I love the "corn dogs on trees"!!

  6. hehehe you are so bloody entertaining! Can't wait to read more...I so wanna travel!

  7. Love hearing about South Africa from an "outsider's" point of view!

    I think toilets flush whichever way the hell they want. I also checked.

  8. I had no idea that South Africa got modern on so many fronts at once! I think it's very cool that homosexuality is not outlawed. Huge human rights coup!

  9. I had no idea that South Africa got modern on so many fronts at once! I think it's very cool that homosexuality is not outlawed. Huge human rights coup!

  10. Marie, I love it when you travel because you take us along. Corn Dogs growing on trees! I miss out on everything;)
