Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Beginning...

We are the sum of our experiences.

Where we live, who we meet, what we do, what happens to us.... whether these are positive or negative experiences, they shape who we are. It is in this vain that we are up and moving to West Africa with the Peace Corps. First Dakar, Senegal and then on to Rabat, Morocco. Craig will be the Medical Officer for 11 countries and taking care of the amazing people who volunteer their time to be in the Peace Corps. We are fortunate that Craig will be staff so we will 1. move the entire family 2. get paid (very important with 4 mouths to feed) 3. be able to send the kids to the International Schools in both countries and not have to home school them (hallelujah) and 4. not live in a hut eating slugs (although I really haven't confirmed the slug part...I am sure about the non-hut situation). So for 2 years we'll be on the adventure that we've always dreamed of and be able to give our kids a glimpse into how the other half lives and how truly fortunate we are. The kids are very excited and can't wait to surf in and explore Africa. I can't wait til they snub their noses at the culinary wonders I serve for dinner and we can actually walk outside the door and feed it to a starving kid in Africa! We hope to keep this blog updated so folks can see where we are at and what intestinal parasites we've acquired. We are waiting for our final offer from the Peace Corps which will happen after our medical and top secret clearances check out. (Gosh I hope we get secret Peace Corps decoder rings with the top secret security clearance!) So, as of now we do not have an actual moving date, stay tuned...


  1. I heard a rumor about your big adventure. The blog is a great idea to keep us in the loop during your travels. We wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing about your journey.

  2. Woohoo! I am so happy to be able to follow your big adventure!
