Thursday, April 2, 2015

One True Relationship Test

Photo credit: Genista / Foter / CC BY-SA

We've all been there.  In a relationship, wondering if it's going to last.  Which, of course, no one can tell you definitively.  Statistically, the relationships that last the longest have partners that are within 2 years of age of each other, the same ethnicity and religion (or lack thereof), with similar levels of education and family backgrounds.  So with this magic mathematical formula, plugging in your sibling in for x works perfectly, although that's perfectly gross. So, in a world full of many, diverse prospective partners, isn't there some kind of test to see if you're truly compatible or not?

There is.

Travel with them.  And not an overnight 5 star resort getaway.  A few days (or more) of traveling outside your comfort zone.  Whether your destination is another country, camping or Alabama.  (Although Alabama really plugs in for x for all 3.)   The place really isn't important.  What's important is that it's a foreign adventure for both of you.  Sure, travel is fun and playful and romantic even.     

But, ultimately, travel is revealing.

Because, although you can plan a vacation, nothing ever goes to plan.  The flight is delayed. Your hotel reservation was lost.  The rental car is a stick and you only drive automatic.  (This would only happen in a foreign country, obviously.)  Or you forgot to pack toilet paper on your camping trip. Whatever it is.   Nothing reveals someone's true character and priorities more than the unexpected.  Especially when the unexpected isn't getting a free upgrade to first class or the penthouse suite.  So...

How well does your relationship road test?   

Now,  if you're wondering whether or not kids are right for you,  plan your next trip and I've got 4 kids available for a trial test.  Absolutely free.  They even have passports.  Just sayin'...