I should. They are two very dangerous words. Oh they look innocent enough. But I assure you, they're not. They're loaded with cultural expectations, unattainable goals and guilt. Lots and lots of guilt.
How many times a day do you say, "I should...."?
And not just said out loud, but that silent but deadly "should" that lives inside your head. If you're anything like me (and I'm going to guess you are) the answer is a lot. I "should" myself through the entire day, every day. While some of them are completely valid, like I "should" remember to call my dad. Others, are more outlandish, like I "should" be the perfect mom, sew the kids clothes out of curtains and solve the atrocities in Syria.
I should stop doing that!
Dammit...I just did it again! Or maybe this is my biggest "should" ever. The one I should actually follow through on. Because one person can "should" a million things, but one can only "do" so much. Especially if you're going to do the things you do do well.
So, you really should give yourself a break.
As for me? I'll just be over here contemplating that I should have submitted this post to one of those inspirational on-line magazines to get more exposure for my writing. Dammit....I just did it again! Oh well, opportunity lost...