Thursday, May 8, 2014

Summertime Sadness

The heat has already arrived.  Requiring a mid day slurpee run to quench my thirst.  The trees are budding.  The garden sprouting.  Soon the kids will be out of school and we'll spend our days lounging at the pool.  Summer used to be my favorite season.  But, not anymore.

One of the kids was the first ones to say what we were all thinking.  Summer has become synonymous with wildfire over the last couple of years here.  And bad things come in threes right?  So what if there's another fire again this year?

I know the answer is we'll deal with it if and when it does.  That life is a series of existential fires flaring and the key is living in the moment instead of living in fear of what's to come. Even though I know this, I still count how many summers we have left until the kids leave home.  Going off to college and whatever other life adventures are in store for them.  Leaving their childhood behind.    

Sometimes I temporarily wallow in the summertime sadness of it all.      


  1. I love the summer, but so far no wild fires in NJ

  2. Summer is great, and I pray for no fires. The good thing about summer is that even when the kids go off to college, they come home for summer breaks. Plus, they have great colleges around here, so they may stay around anyway. :)

  3. @ Juliana- You're absolutely right! But you know as mothers sometimes we get a bit irrational and lose sight of these things. Sometimes.
