Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde

They were found wandering the streets of Pueblo together.  Outlaws.  Renegades.  On the run.  Young and madly in love with each other and the freewheeling, carefree life that comes with the open road. Even so, maybe, just maybe, it was time to settle down.  For Bonnie and Clyde to have a family.  

Getting off the streets was one thing, but Clyde's wandering ways couldn't be tamed.  He was constantly testing the boundaries and disappearing into the night.  In search of something better.  Sometimes he'd come home of his own volition.  Other times he'd self medicate getting drunk on pizza dough and nearly ending it all.  He was reckless and overindulgent.

But Bonnie stayed by his side, despite herself,  following him wherever he went.  She tried to be the quiet and shy voice of reason.  The yin to his yang. Strong and self disciplined, except for her powerlessness over chocolate croissants.  No matter.  Clyde likes she carries a few extra pounds.  Her booty makes the perfect pillow for his weary head.  Bonnie's greatest weakness was simply loving Clyde too much.

As the years went on, Clyde began to mellow.  Becoming a bit less adventuresome and a bit more of a  homebody.  Bonnie came into her own, blossoming into a huntress bringing home the bacon.  Even if that bacon was a squirrel. They'd settled for the quiet life and they finally have a family who loves them very much.  

On any given day they can be found lying on the porch together staring off into the distance.  Remembering their adventures.  Content.



  1. Love the way you write and that story. Especially love it since I got to know B&C a few months ago. Can't believe there's really 3 Palmer high schools near you. Totally crazy.

  2. And I'll bet you wonder how in the world you survived without them to help make your world complete. We wouldn't trade our furry children for anything! Just don't ask me about that on a rainy, everything's-muddy-outside day! ;)

  3. Love Labs, love this.


  4. Awwww. Cute retrospective on your travelin' twosome. Glad to hear they've settled down to life on the porch instead of on the lam.

    As a kid, a couple of my best friends were Labs! Gooood Dogs!!

    And, who doesn't like squirrel bacon?!

  5. That's so beautiful :) I love dogs, and I love seeing them happy. Sometimes I wish my baby had a friend like Bonnie and Clyde - she's just too anti-social when it comes to dogs! She's really a human in disguise...

  6. Maybe it is the cacophony of their home that leads them to stray- looking for some relative calm to enjoy part of their day. :-)

  7. I love this post. Finn looked at the pictures and said, "Love you gagas" (that means "dogs").

  8. Thanks all! And I don't mean to be trite in any way Amy, but your dad's passing has brought you into my life and that's something :)
