Wednesday, November 27, 2013


This is me unplanned and unedited with all the ridiculous, awkward faces I make in regular everyday conversation.  Which is why I try not to converse much.  

 Don't worry, I'll be back in print as planned and edited next week.


  1. Oh my word, you are my hero! I love this vlog, or whatever the hell you call it. You look good on TV. Me, I have a face for radio, although I'm considering posting a vlog or two in the future. I'm beyond caring what I look like. Okay, not totally, but one must surrender to the inevitable.
    I hope to see more and more vlogs from you. I really enjoyed it. And just so you know, I keep a cover on my coffee cup because it has tipped so many times. So my advice to you my dear is, put a lid on it!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  2. @ Leah-#1 You are a beautiful woman inside and out! #2 You are fucking brilliant! A lid? Why didn't I think of it? And the story I forgot to finish is my coffee did tip and I fucking caught it before it got on the keyboard! THAT was my warning shot...

  3. Hahaha, hilarious! "What margins SHOULD I like?" was my favorite. I'm just starting to talk to editors and reading stuff about self-publishing and that is exactly the type of thing I spend my days with, in between buying Christmas presents and cooking and what not. And it usually sends me off on an entire new tangent, like going through all my bookshelves looking through books I like to see what kinds of margins they have, and discovering books I want to read again and before I know it I am completely sidetracked...
    Great seeing you in person! I don't think I'd ever dare do that:-)

  4. Two things: (1) Dump the guilt. I see it as Good Karma!! (2) Avoid eye contact when at the grocery store...or anywhere for that matter, lol!! Btw, I think it's amazing that you have all those thoughts and stories in your head and can just vlog like that. You're my idol! Well done Marie :-))
