Monday, September 16, 2013

Can't Change Me

Generally, give or take, I've worn the same size pants since I was 23.  Except now that I'm 43, I don't like high waisted acid wash jeans anymore.  Thank god styles change.  Though, I'd still fit them, I fill them out differently because  I weigh 10 more pounds than I did back then.  And I don't think that's all due to an enlarged liver from my love of red wine. Ok, maybe some of it.  But, the rest?   It's muscle.

While I might look the same on the outside, except I no longer use Aussie spray to tease my hair to 80's hair band proportions, I stopped doing that in the 90's.  Except for better hair, generally I'm the same completely unchanged goofy dork girl I've always been.  But yet I'm completely changed.  Because I'm much stronger now than I used to be, inside and out.

I know because this extremely shy, introvert, dork girl got up in front of a real live audience to perform at the pole dance recital on Saturday.  

With an impending migraine from my social anxiety.  And I firmly committed to a day of social hibernation the next day.  So, it seems the more I change, the more I stay the same.  


  1. Wow. You make that look SOOOOO EASY! MOST impressive Marie!!!

  2. Congratulations!! You do rock! It's funny how you sort of made up for 'going out' by 'staying in' the next day. I can totally relate to that. I often find myself SO exhausted and drained when there are social events where I had to force myself to do a lot of small talk and such, that I have to replenish somehow and just have some alone time. :-)

  3. Very impressive. But, I'm not sure it's just 10 pounds of muscle that kept you aloft and moving...

  4. You're in great shape. That looks like a very challenging routine. I think it's an interesting contrast, though - your shyness and pole dancing...

  5. Congratulations! It sounds like you received lots of cheers from the audience. I hope you enjoyed it!

  6. OK. That was the very first real pole dance I ever saw. All I could think was that you should join the circus next. You have so much strength in your tiny little 43 year old body. I still am not sure which move was the one that gave you the funny blister on your toe. I do have something to tell you. If you hadn't thought you were shy and dorky, you would not have worked so hard at all the things you do. I hope you also had a great day off.

  7. Well, Marie, I am tired just looking at your moves! Very impressive indeed! You seem to defy gravity. Where do you find the strength for such moves in your tiny body? I really wonder. Well done you!
