Thursday, September 12, 2013

13 Going on 30

For all the times I whine about my kids whining, there's a whole other side I often neglect to mention.    The things that they do that amaze me that are beyond their years.  The things that I didn't learn until I was well into in my 30's. And I'm completely amazed by them.  Things like:


My kids never shy away from asking a question.  Ever.  Especially if it's "What's for dinner?"


Despite being raised by a shy introvert, I have some kids who are sociable extroverts.  They can talk to both kids and adults and hold an intelligent conversation.  Who did they learn this from?


My kids are comfortable in their quirkiness.  Although they are still completely embarrassed by mine.


I'm a quiet panicker when problems arise. It's my kids who are the ones who come up with the best solutions.  I have them brain storming on world peace right now.


My kids will express every need they have.  Every single one.  I couldn't even make a list of my needs, let alone articulate them.


When I go to compliment my kids for these things, their response is usually "I know mom." Not in a cocky way, but in a confident way.


Sure, my kids know how to obey authority.  But, even more important, they know when to politely disobey authority when they suspect the authority figure is a misguided idiot.  And how many of those are there out there?

So basically, we've reached the point where I'm learning just as much from my kids, if not more,  than they are from me.  They are well on their way to being the people I always wanted them to be, independent thinkers.  

Now, if I could only get them to think they like squash...


  1. I never bothered with that- I just made it clear that this household was not a diner. What is served is what is eaten...
    But, we learned plenty from the tribe of kids, too...

  2. Wonderful observations. I think they have to be about 25 before they can stop being embarrassed by your quirkiness. Meanwhile some of their friends will think you are cool.

  3. Love it! I've always wanted to write an article "ten things to love about your teenager" and just baffle everyone with such an outlandish title.
    And "what's for dinner" is also the most asked question at our house. I don't know why it irks me so much, it's just an innocent question after all, but it totally gets my blood boiling. What are you gonna do about it when I tell you, huh? Cook dinner yourself if you don't like it? Make a reservation at a restaurant? Just shut up and eat what other people are cooking for you...

  4. Haha that's fab. I especially can't wait for their solution to world peace...
