Monday, April 29, 2013

Smoke and Mirrors

I was running down the street with my orange yoga mat tucked under my arm.  Wearing my favorite black tank top with a thong riding up my ass under my yoga capris.  My flip flops were slowing me down.  That and I was all strung out on leftover dog antibiotics for kennel cough.   That's when a car pulled over.  

"Did you register yet?" A stranger asked.  
"I can't find the community center!  I thought it was the visitor's center but that's closed."  I replied. 
"It's all the way down the street and you're already late.  Hop in and I'll give you a ride there.  But, then you'll have to book it all the way back into town."
"Oh, thank you so much!" I said and I climbed in.

So far nothing was going as planned.  I wasn't supposed to be sick, lost or late.  My nose was red and crusty and I looked vacant and stoned covered in sweat.  At least I had spent an inordinate amount of time choosing just the right black tank top from my substantial collection. If I couldn't dazzle  Rachel Brice with my complete lack of coordination, I wanted to look good.  So I made sure I didn't have any visible panty lines in case she happened to catch a glimpse of my ass.  I knew it wasn't important or likely, but it's the little things that give you confidence sometimes. I had already spent the whole week freaking out about today.  I'll take whatever boost I can get.  So a push up bra is definitely a must.

Image of Rachel Brice stolen from the internet
I went to the show the night before.  Equipped with my camera for any possible photo opportunities with my crap ass camera that's currently on life support.  Only, no photography was allowed.  I'm glad I didn't rush order a new camera for the occasion.  Finally, my slacking has actually paid off and saved me at least $20 in rush order charges plus the cost of a new camera.  So let's just say $250.

I am the fastest registerer in the west apparently.  Who knew?  I hoofed it back to town with a manila envelope, an official name tag and my yoga mat, water, cough drops, tissues, chap stick and some extreme exercise induced coughing (which is fantastic for your abs by the way).  And, I made it in time for the class and was in the same room as Rachel freakin' Brice.  The only space left was in the front of the room next to the woman who kindly gave me a ride to the community center.  I'm not a front row type A kind of person.   I'm a back row quiet stalker type b kind of girl.  So automatically, I was completely out of my element.  Cause I'm convinced my element would be something more like lithium. Unless it's argon.  I'm not sure.

Why the hell am I even here?  I'm taking up space that a coordinated person who can actually do tribal belly dance should be filling. Until class started.  And just like me, everyone was completely transfixed watching Rachel dance and listening to her soothing husky voice.  Then it happened, I just danced like no one was watching.  Cause no one was. Honestly, I did some of the best dancing I've ever done.  I can say this because there was still no video or photos allowed.  So there's no physical evidence to the contrary.  What I thought was going to be completely intimidating turned out to be completely inspiring.  Maybe the psychedelic dog antibiotics calmed me down enough to see that.  Does it even matter?

I danced in front of Rachel freakin' Brice and not just on a dvd in my living room.   Oh, she made direct eye contact with me several times.  Yes, several. And she didn't even laugh.  I can't say whether she noticed I didn't have any panty lines or not.  Not that that even mattered anymore by this point.  Now all that mattered was I didn't hit her with a projectile snot loogie during my hook turn.  Or start barking mid class, which I figure may be a side effect of taking leftover dog antibiotics.

At the end of class I took my little orange camera and all my goobiness right up to Rachel.  And I went right in for the only photo opportunity I had to show that Rachel and I are indeed black tank top twins. Sort of.  Obviously, I'm the taller, older, much less coordinated and talented twin.
Me and Rachel 


  1. Oh, I think someone snuck in a camera and is posting your "stuff" on the web :-)....
    (Just send $ 1,000 to Nigel in Algeria and he will remove it...)

  2. Well, that sounds like a Bucket List-type item just got crossed off ... very cool!

  3. Marie, where do you find the energy? And you rock this tank top, I have to say...

  4. Wooohooo! You not only met her, but danced with her too! So awesome...Great picture too!

  5. She even rubbed my back when we took that picture!

  6. The caption for the first photo is just too funny...hahahahha! Wouldn't it be cool if you found out eventually that they had videos of the entire session and that the camera actually zoomed in on you as you 'lost yourself' dancing...all posted on the internet???!!!! ;-)))

  7. I'm with the other commenters...there must be a youtube clip out there somewhere! lol
