Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring Break

The last two weeks there have been two school delays, one snow day and one sick kid. As well as, a million other distractions too numerous to list.  Now, I do love my kids and having them home and all of that.  But, having them home throws a whole curve ball in my writing.  I can do many things, but I can't write with constant interruptions because someone smacked someone who got smacked first because someone said something, but only because someone else said something worse.  Though, I have written many blog posts that way.  But,  I can't do book writing that way.

I've always had this far off distant dream that I'd be laying on a beach somewhere this spring break.  Relaxing because I'd finished writing the book and had turned a copy over to a professional editor right before I left.  Wooo hoo!  Strawberry jalapeno margaritas for everyone!

Then I realized spring break is a couple weeks from now!  Holy crap!  How did it get here so fast?  I have been diligently working my ass off.  I finished the first draft a while ago, I'm 90% through the first edit and I'm going to go through the whole thing one more time before I'm ready for anyone to read it.  I'm not going to make this crazy magical deadline that has absolutely no significance to anything that I arbitrarily made up in my head.  And it's really stressing me out. Not to mention I haven't made any plans for spring break. None.

Now, I know this is totally ridiculous.  I've told myself this in my own head at least 1,000 times just this week.  With several choruses of  "You want the book to be good remember.  Stop being crazy.  A few weeks or months here or there doesn't make a difference in the long run."  Ok, that's not actually what I say in my head, but I had to edit for profanity, so I totally made that crap up.

For all the things I didn't get done this week, I was able to fit in an interview.  Because, thank god, an interview is something I can focus on with my kids around.   You can check it out here AND find out what new hobby has also leeched some of my time here.

Oh, and the woman who interviewed me? Laura Dennis. She just published her first book last summer. Bitch! And, I say that in the best possible, most envious way.


  1. Congrats, Marie!
    I look forward to reading the book then!

  2. Looking forward to reading the book!

  3. Ah, those deadlines...
    They may be deadly, but they do cause us to make progress...
    Since no one else but you has bought into that deadline, it's not a big deal- but keep on keeping on... We all want to see that book, Marie!

  4. Mmmm...strawberry jalapeƱo margaritas! Yummy! Can't wait to see the book!
