Friday, November 16, 2012

Freaky Friday

My kids all have plans tonight, a Friday night. The girls are going to a costume surprise party. The boys are having a friend over at our house and watching the movie Battleship. Me? I'm writing birthdays and anniversaries in my new 2013 calendar that I bought at Whole Foods today. I was super stoked cause it was $3 AND the proceeds go to charity. So, on a friday night, I feel like a champ drinking a glass of Zin and anal-retentively noting and highlighting the highlights of my friends and family on my calendar. Until, I realize how my kids social life has surpassed my social life and that I'm a complete dork. Which is of course completely different from when I was younger.

You know, those crazy college days....

Except, that I've always been a complete dork. Really, truly, I'm the girl who in college who voluntarily took classes at 8am because that class on politics in the middle east made me salivate. No. I'm neither joking, nor lying. If you knew me in college you can testify to this fact because my early morning alarm woke your ass up. I also ate oatmeal and 5 fruits and veggies a day during that time. No freakin' joke. So, while Jade dressed up like a nerd for her party tonight. I truly was, ok, still am, a total freakin' nerd.

Oh dude, it was even worse in high school. I went to exactly one party in the 10th grade at Corey Gleeson's house. Whom I briefly dated before I broke up with him by way of a note I sent to him via a friend of mine. Honesty, I'm not sure he even got the note. I never checked with anyone on their 9th grade follow-through. Maybe almost 30 years later he still thinks he's dating a total dork. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure he's pretty hung up over it. Ok, I'm sure he doesn't even remember me. But, on the night of his party in 10th grade, At the time, I assumed he was mocking me. Anyway, I was too busy empathizing for those affected by Chernobyl at the time to really take it seriously. Two years later, the same guy asked me to senior prom and I still didn't have a clue that he might actually really like me. So I declined, and I was too caught up in Gorbachev being elected President of Russia. At the time, I was preoccupied writing a research paper about the cultural changes in Russia for Mrs. Swanson's 12th grade English class. God, I loved that class...

Did I mention I've always been a dork?

So, this weekend when everyone is talking about the new Twilight movie and my boys are watching some sci-fi-ish movie and my girls are out socializing, I'm home on a Friday night dying to see the new movie Lincoln. So much that I think I might even be able to endure any crowds that may be there. But, let's be honest, Twighlight just came out, so I've heard. So, there won't be any crowds. I would even *gasp* pay full-price (whatever the crap that may be these days) to see it. In an actual theater. Yeah, that's how bad I want to see it. So, yeah, I'm still a dork. But, what I lack in coolness, I make up for in consistency.

So tonight, while my kids are partying and having way more of a social life than I ever had, I'm thinking about tomorrow night. When I'll be going to dinner with 3 of my girlfriends. Things are gunna git crazy up in here when I might stay up until 10pm out par-tay-ing with them. Well, now that my calendar is updated and all. Maybe. If I don't convince them to go to the theater and see Lincoln instead of going out for an after dinner drink at a bar.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Maria, many of us honestly come by our dorkiness (I am a Chem E, first...)- but PAPER calendars? Sorry, you've been kicked out of the club. We dorks only use electronics!
