Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Dance

For two months now we've been back in America. And for two months now, I haven't had time alone. Until now. My kids have gone back to school. My mother-in-law has gone back to Florida. And I'm alone. Blissfully alone. So now I get to do whatever I want to do. And what I wanna do is a happy dance.

I have been waiting all summer to do that. You know, so I didn't turn the kids into chop suey or anything. I know you were questioning whether it actually was a happy dance or not because I didn't smile a lot. Dude, it's hard to remember to smile while you're balancing an effing sword on your head. And I never promised it was actually gonna be good. But, I got to dance all by myself. And the sword actually stayed on my head.

That alone makes me happy! The kids being in school is just bonus.


  1. Pretty Damn Cool!!

  2. I held my breath through the performance, afraid that the sword was going to tumble off your head and amputate your piggy toes;) Whew! Well done!! Now that's a powerful happy dance!

  3. OMG--the on your knees, lean back, hip thrusts...damn girl, your husband must beg you for the 'happy dance!' If this is the belly dancing you've taken classes for--I'm revamping my idea of the 'life behind the veil."

  4. @ Stuart and Shari- Thank you!
    @ Leah-I'm headed to sword class right now...hold your breath til I get back will you?
    @ Chantel- My husband hasn't seen that particular "happy dance" before. Damn it, now he'll have expectations...

  5. Wow, this is you without practice? The sword seems to make your dancing bolder and, I dunno, more dramatic. Way to go.

  6. It looks like you are putting that stage that Craig made for you (OK, that is an assumption)to fantastic use!

  7. @BOG-Thanks!
    @Roy-You're right, Craig made it, but for the kids. It's fantastic for kareoke parties.

  8. danger, danger! i thought you were going to lose an arm or a nose!
    yay for kids being back in school and having the house to yourself again! and thankfully you don't have a man servant underfoot anymore either.

  9. Marie you are awesome! AND I just heard there is an opening at the 2013 Everyone Welcome Festival here is COS since the interpretive sword dancer had an unfortunate 'accident'...

  10. @ Sherilin-If I had a man servant my sword would be shinier.
    @ Home Biscuit (Can I call you that?) Was it a hare kare attempt?

  11. OMG you are one sexy bitch! Teach me to do that...without the sword on my head though, I'd lose a foot for sure when it came crashing down. I love your body...I sat there and stared at your like a perv...only I'm not a perv...but love your body! Love. It. Love it!...ok, now i'm being pervy...

  12. @Sandra-That said from a woman who won a bikini fitness competition? TOTALLY NOT PERVY! Thank you!

  13. I've been close to wanting to chop off my foot without the belly dance if that's what it takes to get four kids out of my hair after a long summer...
