Monday, July 23, 2012

Organically Green with Envy

The one thing that really drove me crazy in Morocco, above all else, was the lack of crisp, varied, bugless organic greens. So, now that we're back in the states and belong to both Grant Family Farms csa and Costco, I have more greens than I know what to do with. Which I love because it forces me to try new recipes. And as I've said before, I'm a total recipe whore.

When I have spinach I'll sauté it in garlic, olive oil and soy sauce. Maybe throw in some sesame seeds. Or, I'll make creamed spinach with a little grated parmesan cheese, garlic, onions, nutmeg and, of course, cream.

I think it goes without saying that I make lots of funky salads. On a side note, I'm still in awe of how many salad dressings there are in the grocery store here in America. And, even though I told myself I would make our salad dressing from scratch once we moved back because I was so used to that in Morocco, I caved on that one real early.

When I have kale on hand, I shove it in the blender, add some frozen mango, coconut water and the secret ingredient. Which is cayenne pepper. Seriously. This recipe whore likes it spicy!

I made this war-torn looking greek inspired roll out of some mystery greens that came in my csa basket. I got the recipe after begging my friend Lisa for it after trying hers at happy hour. In addition to mystery greens, it's got dill, cilantro, feta, nutmeg, garlic and of course phyllo dough rolled haphazardly.

Then, I came across this arugula recipe. And I've been dying to try it to use up my massive heap of arugula.

I know you're green with envy at my slouchy posture, prominent forehead wrinkles and quirky awkwardness. And you know what? It's all organic. But, really don't be ashamed to spread the love and admit that you got this awesome new recipe from a recipe whore.

Enjoy and Cheers!



  1. Girl, I am all about eating healthy to balance out my nefarious habits--but putting salad IN my alcohol?? There's a line you've crossed somewhere in there...

    Damn cute apron babe.

  2. You have me worried when that green tea came out purple! I wondered who calibrated your camera...

  3. Yes, I am green with envy!
    [writing from brown Rabat]

  4. @ Chantel-Thanks! I LOVE that apron.
    @ Roy-Of course my green tea would be purple!
    @ Annie-The funny thing is, the ONLY ingredient I couldn't find at my local grocery store for the green tea mojito? MINT. That would NEVER happen in Morocco!

  5. Green with envy definitely! But yes, the apron is lovely!

  6. Aren't you supposed to put that green tea drink in the blender or something? :)

  7. You are just too healthy Marie! Yes, I am organically green with envy!

  8. sounds lovely. I like your secret ingredient too coz I love spicy stuff!
    Visiting via the BPOTW

  9. You should TOTALLY be the next Food Network Star! I promise to be an avid fan :-)
